There are a few important facts to keep in mind when you are imprinting and ordering promotional stress balls for a marketing campaign, and we’ve told you all about those facts on this blog in the past—insisting on high quality products; ensuring accuracy in logo, color, spelling, etc.; reliable shipping time estimations, and others. But it is possible to follow all of those guidelines and get your shipment of incredible promotional products, only to have your campaign fall flat in the end. That’s because promotional stress balls aren’t the driving force behind your marketing effort; they’re just a powerful supporting tool for it. Here are the ways that you and your team can support your logo stress balls, making sure that your audience both gets your message in the first place and remembers it in the future.
First Impressions
Ideally, the success of your promotional stress balls begins before an individual even notices them. Psychologists estimate that our first impressions are formed much more quickly than most people realize—within about four or five seconds of meeting someone for the first time. If you apply that information to a trade show context, you should expect a visitor to your table to begin forming a positive or negative opinion about you, your company, your brand, and your offerings during your initial greeting, before you’ve even had a chance to tell that visitor anything about the company you represent. This is why a big smile and a warm welcome are so important, even if it’s been a long day and the trade show is wearing on into the afternoon! If a visitor’s first impression of you and your company is that you are tired and not too enthusiastic, it won’t help much to give them a stress ball, however well designed it may be, to remember you by.

Remember, as well, that a visitor to your table may actually begin forming an impression before they even see your smile. The appearance of your table, signage, and other materials says something about your company as a whole, whether you intend it to or not. A wrinkled tablecloth and a haphazard pile of promotional stress balls suggest a lack of planning and attention to detail. A beautifully organized, simple, and attractive display with high-quality signs and banners shows that you know how to put together an event and relate to your clients, customers, and colleagues in a very professional way. Check your table frequently from the visitor’s side and make sure it looks the way you want it to!
Solid Information
While the first impression is critical, you also need to follow that up by providing plenty of valuable, helpful, and engaging information for the individual. A great first impression will get you “in the door,” but it’s the concrete benefits and value offerings you talk about that will come back to that person’s mind when they see your promotional stress balls a few weeks later. This is incredibly important at a conference or trade show, where the average individual is talking to dozens of representatives from different companies throughout the day. In order to stand out in that person’s mind, your company needs to deliver a concise, easy-to-remember, value-filled message for that him to take home along with your stress ball.
It’s best not to try to come up with that message as you’re talking to a visitor to your table! Obviously, you’ll want to pull together the marketing expertise at your business before the conference, holding meetings and teaming up to frame a message that you’ll deliver consistently to everyone that stops at your table. Of course, you’ll talk about other things as well, tailoring your conversation to the personality and specific needs of each visitor, but your priority should be tying that memorable, simple message to the physical reminder that you place in his or her hands.
Strategic Delivery
Which is more effective: to toss a stress ball to your visitor as an afterthought as they’re walking away; to have them absent-mindedly pick one up and drop it in their bag as you’re talking; or to deliberately hand one to them at the moment that you’re telling them about the great value that a partnership with your business could bring to them? The answer is obvious. The beauty of promotional stress balls is their ability to represent your organization and its strengths in a physical form, and you can most effectively establish that representation by thoughtfully introducing the physical item at exactly the same time that you introduce your company’s strengths. Once again, this takes a lot of planning and talking about the best strategy for distributing your promotional stress balls to your audience, but the payoff is worth it! Rather than just being one more small item brought home from a busy conference in the bottom of a tote bag, your stress ball will be a constant link to all the best qualities of your company.
Just the Right Promotional Stress Balls
With this high level of planning and communication skill supporting your logo stress balls, you’re well positioned for success. Now you’re ready to actually shop for the right stress ball, select the right colors, and upload your logo and company name to be added to your stress balls. Because we understand how critical it is for your stress balls to be closely tied to your company and often to the event at which you are using them, we offer an enormous catalog filled with promotional stress balls of all different types. You’ll have no problem finding a style that fits your needs, ranging from the simple and classy to completely off-the-wall. And our decades of experience in imprinting and shipping customized promotional products means that you won’t have to worry about silly mistakes delaying or sabotaging your order. Check out the available designs, call or email us to talk to an expert about any questions you have about the process, and get started on your company’s greatest marketing push yet.
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