Many people were baffled at the sudden popularity of “fidget spinners” over the past year or two. But most psychologists knew exactly what was going on and why these little devices captured the attention of so many people. Fidget spinners tapped into one of the main reasons that cheap stress balls are also so popular with people in offices around the country: doing something “mindless” with your hands actually helps you concentrate! Understanding more about this function of promotional stress balls can help you use them more effectively to market your organization’s services.
Focusing Attention or Distracting?
While many people simply saw fidget spinners as a quirky new toy or collectible trinket, others promoted them as having real benefits for people (mainly children) who had trouble focusing their attention on school or other types of work. The main idea is that when a person’s hands have something to do, the brain becomes better able to focus its attention on the more important work at hand. This concept, in itself, is certainly supported by many years of research, but there is less consensus among psychologists about the specific ability of fidget spinners to accomplish that desired result. Some argue that the fidget spinner design is too distracting to be of value, actually pulling the brain’s conscious attention away from work. Following these recommendations, a growing number of schools across the country are actually banning fidget spinners from class.
Not Just Kids
As you probably know from personal experience, children are not the only ones who find it difficult to focus at times! The large number of cheap stress balls bouncing around workplaces and colleges show that adults find it useful, whether they are fully aware of the reasons for it or not, to do something “mindless” with their hands as they try to concentrate on a difficult mental task like studying for a tough upcoming final exam. If you’ve never noticed this phenomenon for yourself, you may be surprised—the next time you need to stay mentally focused on a task, try squeezing a stress ball at the same time. You may just find that the thoughts flow more easily and your work ends up getting done more quickly.
Cheap Stress Balls Are Ideal
Cheap stress balls do an amazing job focusing attention, in part because they avoid the primary problem of fidget spinners: They don’t distract the mind at all. A stress ball is simply a squeezable item that fits inside the hand comfortably, encouraging physical movement without demanding any mental attention at all. That’s why people who are consciously tuned in to this value always pick up cheap stress balls when they find them on a conference or trade show display table—they know that at some point they will wish they had a quick, easy, simple outlet for nervous energy and a way to focus their attention on a tricky problem.
Capitalizing on Focus
Once you have this information about the attention-focusing power of cheap stress balls, your next question should be how your organization can capitalize on it. Obviously, making stress ball giveaways a focus of your conference appearances and public events is an important starting point, but those giveaways will be even more successful if you can inform visitors to your booth or table about a few of the real benefits that your stress balls can provide for them. It’s not just about putting a tiny billboard for your company in their hands; it’s about giving them something of value that will actually help them accomplish the work they need to do every day. That thoughtful, personal concern will stick in the minds of those people, and they will remember that your company provided them with some benefit before they even became a paying customer or entered a working relationship with you.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt your promotional effort if those cheap stress balls carry some other kind of value as well. A stress ball that is also funny, quirky, or culturally relevant is that much more likely to find its way to a prominent spot on its owner’s desk, where it can reach even more people in the office with your organization’s logo and name. All of the cheap stress balls in our online catalog can help relieve stress and focus attention, but there may be certain categories and designs that perfectly fit the mood and theme of your company’s next important marketing event.
Maximize Productivity for Your Campaign—and Your Customers
Our new full-color printing category, which we are very excited about, lets you take the impact of your marketing campaign up another notch. Other specialized cheap stress balls are available as well, from yo-yos to noisemakers to vibrating designs and much more. These unusual giveaways will maximize the effectiveness of your campaign, while also helping your customers maximize their own productivity and mental focus. For all of these reasons, it’s a great idea to make cheap stress balls a central component of your organization’s next big publicity push.
As a reminder, we expect stress ball prices to rise in the coming months as a result of unpredictable changes in the China-US trade relationship. Now is the time to plan your next year of promotional activity, decide on the cheap stress balls that best reflect your company and marketing events, and place your order to get the best possible price. As you plan, be sure to browse the special offers on our home page—they include many of our most popular cheap stress ball designs, discounted to help you make your marketing budget go even farther.
Unlike the short-lived fidget spinner fad, stress balls have been around for a long time—here at 1001StressBalls, we have been distributing them for promotional campaigns for over four decades! You can trust us, as seasoned leaders in our field, to supply your organization with cheap stress balls that are high-quality, color-accurate, and that faithfully recreate your logo and name.