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Custom Stress Balls: The Perfect Trade Show Giveaway

It’s that time of year again already: time to make plans and place orders in order to be ready for the spring trade show and conference season. There have probably already been a lot of conversations and meetings around your office about what to do this year; how you can make your company and your booth really stand out from the crowd and attract as much attention as possible. There are a lot of reasons why custom stress balls have always been a favorite go-to for companies that want to cement a good impression in the minds of trade show attendees, and here at 1001StressBalls.com in particular, there are a number of new developments that make our stress balls even more effective than ever before. Here are just a few great reasons to make custom stress balls a centerpiece of this year’s conference booth.


The most important feature of a stress ball, from the perspective of marketing, is its tendency to continue to be kept around and used for months and even years after an individual receives it as a promotional giveaway. People simply enjoy having stress balls around, for a number of different reasons. Perhaps your stress ball has an unusual, funny, or cute design that people are proud to display on their office desk or car dashboard. Maybe it has some inherent, tangible value to the recipient, as a cell phone or business card holder. And then, of course, there’s the primary purpose of a stress ball: a tool to help a busy, perhaps overloaded worker channel some energy into a simple physical motion and better focus his mental faculties on the work at hand.

The stress balls offered in the 1001StressBalls.com online catalog are manufactured with permanence in mind. That means that they’re made from high quality materials and printed with high quality techniques, keeping your message clear and effective for a long time after your initial contact.

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Another important way that a custom stress ball advertises effectively for your company is usually unnoticed by the recipient. It’s all about the subconscious and the way that our various senses, as human beings, work together to solidify memories. Countless studies in the educational field confirm that the more senses a student engages while taking in information, the more of that information the student will retain. The same is true when you are presenting your pitch to a potential customer or client at a trade show booth—associating your message with a physical object like a stress ball, plus the physical motion of “fiddling” or “fidgeting” with that physical object, helps it take deeper root in the individual’s mind. And that’s exactly what you need when you’re talking with someone who will visit dozens of other booths during the course of a conference. That tangible object does a lot to boost the individual’s positive memory of the experience he had with you, and the more striking, distinctive, and memorable the object is, the better. A high-quality stress ball imprinted with your company or organization’s name and contact information is ideal for carrying out that task.

custom stress balls

Brand Association

A great stress ball is effective on its own, but the magic really begins when you imprint that stress ball with your organization’s logo and name and make it your own. But that imprinting process needs to be handled by experts who know how to ensure success, or you run the risk of getting a shipment of hundreds of stress balls that inaccurately or ineffectively represent your company, and that you are hesitant about handing out to potential clients. That’s where the specific expertise of 1001StressBalls.com comes into play. For decades, we’ve been helping companies like yours design and imprint stress balls that they are proud to give away. We help work through details like complicated logos, ornate fonts, color matching, and other factors that have a huge impact on the final look of your custom stress balls.

Special Requests

Last year, we were very excited here at 1001StressBalls.com to begin offering full-color imprinting on selected stress ball designs. You can find those designs in a special category of our online catalog, and there’s enough variety to give any organization some great choices. We are sure that you’ll love the way your full-color logo or graphic looks on these designs after going through our advanced, high-quality printing process. As we discussed in detail in a recent post to this blog, color matching is a very important element of any marketing campaign, and matching a multicolored design is much more complicated than a single-color or black-and-white design. You can trust our seasoned experts to fulfill your requests to your exact specifications.

We do have some clients who want to go above and beyond our huge catalog of selections, designing their very own, truly customized stress ball design. If that describes your organization, we are happy to work through that process with you, providing plenty of feedback, proofs, and quality checks along the way to ensure that the final product is an incredible, effective representation of what you have in mind. Of course, you won’t be able to get something like that in for this year’s trade show season, as it takes a number of months to design, approve, and produce a batch of fully customized promotional stress balls.

Great Materials and Great Results

Using custom stress balls as promotional giveaway items for trade shows is a fantastic idea—as long as you order from the right source. You’ve probably received promotional items that fall apart, fade, or have their printing rubbed off within a short amount of time. Those cheaply made products do more harm than good to your brand recognition! You can trust our decades-long reputation for providing durable, attractive promotional stress balls that represent your company the way you want them to.

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