As you well know, the word “cheap” has two meanings, at least in modern-day usage. It can mean that something is low-quality and will soon fall apart, or it can simply mean that something has a low price tag. On one hand, we don’t like calling our products “cheap stress balls,” because that can give the impression that they will fall apart quickly. And as you know, representing your company, organization, school, or non-profit with promotional items that fall apart quickly does you more harm than good.
Instead of “cheap stress balls,” we would prefer a term like “high-quality, low-cost” or “amazingly cost-effective.” The truth is that our stress balls, while cheap in price, do just want you want your promotional products to do once they leave your hands and travel to the home or office of your contacts. They last for a long, long time, holding up under even the most stressed office employee’s brutal squeezes! Here are a few of the key ways our cheap stress balls prove that they are worth far more than the money you invest in them.
Great for Limited Promotional Budgets
While we do work with our share of large corporations, filling bulk orders for many thousands of stress balls, many of our clients are smaller groups with much more limited budgets than that. A school’s athletic booster program, for instance, is often interested in investing a small amount of money but obtaining a fun, memorable souvenir to send home with supporters and families. A non-profit group can use cheap stress balls printed with the organization’s logo to keep their worthy cause in the forefront of people’s minds long after they come into personal contact with them at a community fair, blood drive, 5k benefit race, or other event.
It would be extremely difficult to find a product that strikes a better balance between affordability and effectiveness than stress balls. Getting your stress balls personalized with your organization’s logo and name is very inexpensive, and our high quality printing ensures that the logo will not rub off as your contacts toss, squeeze, kick, and practice their juggling skills on your souvenirs. Perhaps most importantly, the huge catalog of stress ball designs on our website gives your group the chance to find one or more perfect fun, whimsical, and memorable stress balls to represent your cause…at the right price for your limited budget.
Compared to What Else You Could Do…
When you think about buying a large batch of stress balls—even cheap stress balls—and then just giving them away, it may seem like a strange way to use your marketing budget. It’s a much different strategy than advertising your company’s services on television, a billboard, printed mailers, or even online. But your hesitation will probably disappear when you start thinking through just what those stress balls are going to continue doing for you once you give them away so generously. They’re going to sit patiently on potential customer’s desks and car dashboards, quietly placing your logo and name in front of those individuals to remind them that you are available to serve them. Imagine being able to install a tiny billboard on a potential client’s desk, and you’ll start to get the idea!
Of course, we aren’t suggesting that you replace your company’s entire advertising strategy with millions of cheap stress balls and massive giveaway campaigns. But the cost of a stress ball giveaway is so low that most companies wouldn’t have any trouble fitting it in alongside the other marketing activities that they are already conducting. They’re easy to keep in stock for surprise advertising opportunities, distribute to sales reps traveling to clients’ offices, and hand out to those kids who unexpectedly show up on “take your children to work day.”

Another important strategy with this low-cost, high-quality promotional item is to place customized orders for seasonal marketing and special events. In our blog archives, you’ll find some great ideas for commemorating monthly observances with cheap stress balls and capitalizing on the American obsession with sports to promote your business or organization.
Trade Show Season is Coming!
The end of the summer is just over the horizon, and as we all know, September marks the beginning of the hectic trade show season. Don’t make the mistake that you may or may not have made last year, waiting until it’s too late to devise your trade show marketing strategy and placing orders for everything it includes. Now is the time to take a look at our catalog, identify the designs that would immediately catch the eye of people walking by your exhibit, and send us your logo so that we can show you what your completed, effective, cheap stress balls will look like. That’s yet another way these items can relieve stress: by helping you relax before plunging into the trade show circuit!
Just in case your first trade show does sneak up on you, we also offer free rush service. You can read the details about our rush service on our website, but this is a huge money-saver for those times that you desperately need something to send home with contacts at an event that is suddenly just days away. This helps you keep your cheap stress balls cheap, even when you need them right away.
High Quality Cheap Stress Balls Within Your Grasp
Whatever your organization, non-profit, school, or business needs to promote, we’re fairly sure you will find the perfect cheap stress balls for the job in our massive online catalog. There’s a stress ball to represent every interest, hobby, and sport, plus a few truly oddball stress balls that would definitely attract attention and generate some interesting conversation!
We wholeheartedly invite you to click over to our catalog, browse the many cheap stress balls we offer, and picture your organization’s logo printed on them with high quality, durable ink. Give us a call and we’ll walk you through the easy ordering process!
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