We interrupt your regularly scheduled series posts to bring you this special message! We’ve recently been talking to our custom stress ball suppliers and factory reps, and they’ve given us some inside scoops we want to share with you.
In this ever-changing world, where the only thing consistent is inconsistency, preparation is key! So let’s dive into getting prepped for big events in the second half of 2020!
Delayed graduations mean there’s still time to get custom grad gifts!
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High schools, colleges, and universities across the country were hit hard when COVID-19 threw off graduation plans. Many institutions opted for virtual graduations, but even more opted to delay the event until later in the year so grads could actually walk the stage, get the degree, shake hands, flip the tassel, the whole nine yards.
Our reps tell us the good thing is, that means there’s still time for school administration, divisions of Student Life, marketing departments, parents, class presidents–whoever!–to get grad swag for the class of 2020! From mascots to mortarboard hats, we have custom stress balls in every shape you can imagine. And if you have imagined one we actually don’t have, we can work with you to create it! Talk about customization!

Fall recruiting and open house events – Get Swag NOW
August and September are usually some of our busiest months here at 1001Stressballs.com. Mascots, squishy brains, and emoticon stress balls are some of our hottest sellers for summer and fall recruiting and open house activities on college campuses across the country. Students are almost ALWAYS stressed at the beginning of a new college adventure, so giving them something to release the tension is a fantastic move. We won’t even go into the new levels of stress students are experiencing facing the probability of starting college as online students when that’s not their preference!
Do not miss this opportunity to promote your institution and make an impression that lasts! Order today to get ahead of the rush!
Get a jump on all the holidays with fun, custom shapes
Even when the world isn’t in a constant state of flux, shipping times can vary and delays can happen. Over the past few months though shipping, especially from outside the US, is much slower than usual. So even though most of the major US holidays are months away, it’s not too early to start planning and ordering your holiday giveaways. Check out these awesome ideas:
- Independence Day (Saturday, July 4): Patriotic stress balls in all shapes and sizes
- Labor Day (Monday, September 7): Office and workplace, city and civil, medical and science, professions and people, and tons of other categories of jobs to celebrate
- Veteran’s Day (Wednesday, November 11): Lots of the patriotic stress balls work here, too, and we also have military stress balls!
- Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 26): turkey stress balls, or these other turkey stress balls
- Christmas (Friday, December 25): This Santa or this Santa, one of several snowmen, and many more
Now, we know this list isn’t all inclusive. In fact, these are only the holidays that have federal observances associated with them. If a holiday you celebrate at your workplace or school isn’t listed, contact us about creating something new and unique just for you!
Contact us today to create a connection with your imprint
1001Stressballs.com always has your needs in mind
We hope sharing this information with you has given you some ideas and inspiration to carry through the rest of the year. We know we certainly appreciated our reps sharing it with us. It’s good to have something to look forward to, even if things aren’t going the way they usually do. It’s also nice to have a fun reminder of the companies or schools that have made us smile with a crazy-shaped stress ball sitting on a desk or office shelf. That’s also that opportunity for increased exposure and growing brand recognition that we always talk about on these posts! Stress balls are almost always in sight or in hand, and it’s amazing what seeing a message every day will do to someone in the buyer’s journey.
Whether you are marketing your business or your educational institution, stress balls are an incredible tool to add to your advertising arsenal. And remember, no matter the occasion, celebration, or event, we can create custom shapes, add custom colors, and print your message and information for you with precision and quality in mind!