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April 17, 2019

Back to School Already?

The end of the school year is an event that every university student looks forward to, when tests and papers disappear and there is an entire summer of traveling, projects, and relaxing ahead. But the beginning of the new school year comes around again surprisingly quickly, often catching student...

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March 18, 2019

Creating the Perfect Brand for Your Promo Stress Balls

Finding the perfect supplier for promo stress balls is a key part of your task as you seek to create an effective marketing campaign to reach potential clients, current customers, conference participants, and others with your company’s brand. But before that even happens, another critical step ...

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February 14, 2019

Meet Our Stress Balls!

Buying stress balls in bulk is the perfect way to get your team ready to make a lasting impression on all sorts of potentially important contacts at all sorts of different events. Trade shows, community events, and simple sales calls become more prof...

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January 15, 2019

Custom Stress Balls: The Perfect Trade Show Giveaway

It’s that time of year again already: time to make plans and place orders in order to be ready for the spring trade show and conference season. There have probably already been a lot of conversations and meetings around your office about what to do this year; how you can make your company and y...

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December 18, 2018

Logo Stress Balls and Brand Recognition

Brand recognition is an incredibly detailed science. You barely think about the iconic logos and brand names that you see every day, but you would be amazed to discover just how much research, debate, testing, analysis, re-testing, and trademarking went on before those logos finally became visibl...

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November 14, 2018

Getting the Ball Rolling with Bulk Stress Balls

Once a potential client of yours or a great business contact has one of your personalized stress balls in hand, you can be very happy about the fact that it will advertise your business to them for a long time to come. He’ll place your stress ball on his desk or perhaps in his car, where he wil...

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October 16, 2018

Do Stress Balls Make You More Productive?

Many people were baffled at the sudden popularity of “fidget spinners” over the past year or two. But most psychologists knew exactly what was going on and why these little devices captured the attention of so many people. Fidget spinners tapped into one of the main reasons that cheap stress ...

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September 24, 2018


Dear Valued Customers,

As we move into the last quarter of 2018, we would like to share some important pricing information with you.

Due to current and pending changes in the economic market with respect to our trade relationship with China: the price of stress balls (and all promot...

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September 14, 2018

New Options for Your Promotional Stress Balls

One of the things we are most proud of here at 1001StressBalls is our ability to provide promotional stress balls for just about any marketing campaign, no matter how unusual the company, organization, or specific marketing effort is. That means main...

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August 20, 2018

Custom Stress Balls Head Back to School

Around the country, backpacks are being pulled out of the corners of closets, where they were tossed after the last day of school back at the beginning of summer. Students are heading back to high school and college, and for the next nine months or so, schools and school-connected organizati...

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