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March 27, 2015

Promotional Stress Balls: Think About a Symbolic Message

Promotional stress balls are classified as a promotional product. Though some people refer to them as toys because they are colorful and fun looking, this would be misleading. In fact, according the CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Information Act) stress balls should not be given to children unde...

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March 10, 2015

Custom Stress Balls are Eye Catching Promos for the Medical Industry

What are custom stress balls? For a long time people have been using stress balls (or stress relievers) for therapeutic purposes. Whether you are nursing some sort of injury or physical condition, or just tend to feel a whole lot of stress at the workplace, a stress b...

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February 02, 2015

Have Fun and Improve Life with Smiley Face Stress Balls

Everyone deals with some form of stress in daily life. Family, work and school can contribute to and increase tension. Decreasing this tension requires an outlet. Some people run, walk, do yoga, play sports or workout; however, these activities may take up a tremendous amount of time and expense,...

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September 24, 2014

Are Your Ready For Some Football Stress Balls?

Are You Ready For Some Football? The World Cup may have sparked our patriotism, but football still reigns supreme in the USA! The month of September has been anxiously anticipated as the ‘kick off’ to football season. Celebrate the return of your favorite NFL team with customized Continue reading

August 01, 2014

Stress Balls are the #1 Choice for Colleges & Universities

Colleges and universities are ideal places to utilize customized stress relief products on campus. A stress ball is perfect for counseling centers, student health services and career development centers – just to name a few campus departments. These firm yet squeezable balls fit in the palm of ...

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